Time Series Forecasting using Deep Neural Network

Created: Jan. 8, 2019

This notebook demonstrates a one-step forecasting scheme using deep neural networks. This can be considered as a benchmark for neural networks' forecasting performance

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import datetime
import os
import sys
from pprint import pprint
from dateutil.relativedelta import *
In [2]:
# Graphic libraries
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import rcParams
In [3]:
# Customized packages
import core.tools.json_rec as json_rec
import nn_methods
import df_methods
import os_methods
from typing import List, Tuple


Modify model hyper-parameters here

Data Parameters:

  • file_dir: the directory of dataset csv file.
  • fea(ture)_name: a list of feature variable(s). If univaraite series is used, the feature and label variables collide and one should put None here.

  • lab(el)_name: the name of label variable.

  • (P, D) $\in \mathbb{N}^2$: integers similar to the $(p,d,q)$ parameter in an ARIMA model, but we did not put a $q$ parameter here. Differencing parameter $d$ should be 1 or higher in order to make the series stationary. (See below for more information)

Neural Network Parameters:

  • num_inputs $\in \mathbb{N}$: the number of input features. So the actual size of each $\vec{x}$ to our neural network has size $$P \times num\_inputs$$ In multi-variate series forecasting tasks, it must be the length of FEA_NAME list.

  • num_outputs $\in \mathbb{N}$: the number of label features, must be 1 in the standard model. It would be set to a higher integer if we wish to forecast multiple time series the same time.

  • l(earning_)r(ate) $\in \mathbb{R}_{++}$: the learning rate used while training the neural net.

  • epochs $\in \mathbb{N}$: the number of training epochs. If one wish the session to automatically stop when there's no further significant improvement on the validation set loss, set EPOCHS=None

Optional Parameters

  • patient $\in \mathbb{N}$: only needed when EPOCHS == None, see early-stopping section below.

  • eposilon($\epsilon \in \mathbb{R}_+$): only needed when EPOCHS == None, see early-stopping section below.

In [4]:
now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
PARAMS = dict(
    model_type = "Univariate one step DNN",
    ipynb = "ts_dnn.ipynb",
    # File IO
    file_dir = "./data/UNRATE.csv",
    fea_name = None,
    lab_name = "UNRATE",
    # Data Preprocessing
    P = 6,
    D = 1,
    # Model Settings
    num_inputs = 1,
    num_outputs = 1,
    neurons = [256, 512],
    # Model Training
    lr = 0.01,
    epochs = None,
    patient = 50,
    epsilon = 1e-8


In [5]:
base_dir = f"./saved/{now}"
paths = os_methods.create_record(base_dir)
Creating directory: ./saved/2019-01-10_06:05:33
Creating directory: ./saved/2019-01-10_06:05:33/tensorboard
Creating directory: ./saved/2019-01-10_06:05:33/fig
Creating directory: ./saved/2019-01-10_06:05:33/outputs


In [6]:
# globals().update(PARAMS)
In [7]:
df = pd.read_csv(PARAMS["file_dir"], index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
# df["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df["DATE"])
df.columns = [PARAMS["lab_name"]]
# month_df = df.resample("M").mean().head()
UNRATE    float64
dtype: object
1948-01-01     3.4
1948-02-01     3.8
1948-03-01     4.0
1948-04-01     3.9
1948-05-01     3.5
count  852.000000
mean     5.763028
std      1.638414
min      2.500000
25%      4.600000
50%      5.600000
75%      6.800000
max     10.800000


The Objective

We formulate the forecasting problem as a supervised learning problem, so taht we can train a neural net to fit it with usual optimizers (like SGD or Adam).

For simplicity, consider an uni-variate series observed: $$ I = \{y_t\}_{t \in \Psi} $$ where $\Psi$ is a set of datetime objects. We define $\Psi$ as the time stamp sequence, and denote the terminal time period as $T$.


We only consider time series with finite time stamp sequence $\Psi$.


The time stamp sequence for a typical yearly series would look like $\Psi = (1950, 1951, \dots, 2001, 2012)$.


Given periods parameter $p \in \mathbb{N}$, the forecast for any time step $t$ would be a function $$ g \in \mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{R}^p} $$ i.e. $g: \mathbb{R}^p \to \mathbb{R}$. That's, the one step forward forecast made at time $t-1$, which is equivalent to the predicted value $\hat{y}_t$ can be written as: $$ f_{t-1,1} \equiv g(y_{t-p}, \dots, y_{t-1}) $$

and the forecasting error is given by $$ e_t(g) = y_t - f_{t-1, 1} \equiv y_t - g(\{y_{\tau}\}_{\tau \in \{t-p, \dots, t-1\}}) $$

The Neural Network

And the nueral network model is basically a composite of product of matrices and activation functions.

A fully connected neural network gives a transformation $$ \hat{g}: \mathbb{R}^p \to \mathbb{R} $$ And the network is trained to minimize some error measure on the training set $\{e_t(g)\}_{t \in \Psi}$.

Typically, mean-squared-error is taken as the objective function (loss function):

$$ MSE(g, I) = \frac{1}{|\Psi|} \sum_{t \in \Psi} (y_t - f_{t-1, 1})^2 \equiv \frac{1}{|\Psi|} \sum_{t \in \Psi} \Big( y_t - g(y_{t-p}, \dots, y_{t-1}) \Big)^2 $$

Let $\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{R}^p}$ denote the set of functions that can possibly be represented by a neural network.

Therefore, the neural network is trained so that the transformation $\hat{g}$ it gives satisfies $$ \hat{g} \approx argmin_{g \in \mathcal{F}} MSE(g, I) $$

Training Instance Tuples

Consider the collection of information above, we can generate a corresponding instance for each $t \in \Psi \backslash \{1, 2, \dots, p\}$.

Define $$ \Psi' \equiv \Psi \backslash \{1, 2, \dots, p\} $$

The training session for the neural net takes a collection of instances, $$ \Omega = (\textbf{X}, \textbf{y}, \textbf{t}) \equiv \{\omega_\tau\}_{\tau \in \Psi'} $$ as data feed.

Each element in the collection is a triple containing feature, label and time stamp: $$ \omega_t = (\textbf{x}_t, y_t, t) \in \Omega $$

In our univariate case, $\omega_t$ can be generated by taking $$ \begin{cases} \omega[0] \equiv \textbf{x}_t := (y_{t-p}, y_{t-p+1}, \dots, y_{t-2}, y_{t-1}) \\ \omega[1] \equiv y_t := y_t \\ \omega[2] := t \end{cases} $$

Note that $t$ can be dropped and each instance $\omega_t$ can be reduced to $$ \omega_t' = (\textbf{x}_t, y_t) $$ we put $t$ here to make the invert-differencing process easier.

In [8]:
diff = df.diff()  #  Take the first order differenced.
slp = nn_methods.gen_slp(
Failed time step ignored: 845
Failed time step ignored: 846
Failed time step ignored: 847
Failed time step ignored: 848
Failed time step ignored: 849
Failed time step ignored: 850

Check the validity of instances

In [9]:
for (x, y, t) in slp:
    assert diff[PARAMS["lab_name"]][t] == y
    for delta in range(1, PARAMS["P"] + 1):
        t_back = t + relativedelta(months=-delta)
        assert diff[PARAMS["lab_name"]][t_back] == x[-delta]

Transform instance collections into numpy array

Consider a collection of information $I = \{y_t\}_{t \in \Psi}$ and the collection of instances generated from it, $$ \Omega = (\textbf{X}, \textbf{y}, \textbf{t}) \equiv \{\omega_\tau\}_{\tau \in \Psi'} $$

Let $n \equiv |\mathcal{T}|$ denote the size of $\Omega$, which is the total number of instances.

Then $\textbf{X}$ would be reshaped into $(n, num\_inputs \times P)$

$\textbf{y}$ would be reshaped into $(n, num\_outputs)$.

And $\textbf{t}$ is an array of datetime objects with length $n$.

In [10]:
X = np.squeeze([p[0] for p in slp])
X = X.reshape(-1, PARAMS["num_inputs"] * PARAMS["P"])
y = np.squeeze([p[1] for p in slp])
y = y.reshape(-1, PARAMS["num_outputs"])
ts = [p[2] for p in slp]
In [11]:
print(f"X shape={X.shape}")
print(f"y shape={y.shape}")
X shape=(845, 6)
y shape=(845, 1)


We split the dataset into three disjoint subsets, namely the training, validation and testing sets.


Preserving the chronological order while splitting the dataset to make it easier to be visualized.

In real applications, we can shuffle the first $\alpha \% + \beta \%$ of time stamps before splitting it into training and validation sets.

Training Set

$$ I_{train} \equiv \{\omega_t: t \in \text{first $\alpha \%$ time stamps in $T$}\} $$

Validation Set

$$ I_{validation} \equiv \{\omega_t: t \in \text{between $\alpha \%$ and $\alpha \% + \beta \%$time stamps in $T$}\} $$

Testing Set

$$ I_{test} \equiv \{\omega_t: t \in \text{the last $100\% - \alpha \% - \beta \%$ time stamps in $T$}\} $$
In [12]:
total = len(y)
X_train, y_train, ts_train =\
X[:int(total*0.6), :],\
y[:int(total*0.6), :],\
In [13]:
X_val, y_val, ts_val =\
X[int(total*0.6): int(total*0.8), :],\
y[int(total*0.6): int(total*0.8), :],\
ts[int(total*0.6): int(total*0.8)]
In [14]:
X_test, y_test, ts_test =\
X[int(total*0.8):, :],\
y[int(total*0.8):, :],\
In [15]:
for s in ["train", "val", "test"]:
    for obj in ["X", "y"]:
        print(f"{obj}_{s} shape:")
X_train shape:
(507, 6)
y_train shape:
(507, 1)
X_val shape:
(169, 6)
y_val shape:
(169, 1)
X_test shape:
(169, 6)
y_test shape:
(169, 1)


In [16]:
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (32, 16)
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title("Observed Series")
plt.plot(ts_train, df[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_train], label="train")
plt.plot(ts_val, df[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_val], label="val")
plt.plot(ts_test, df[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_test], label="test")

ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (32, 16)
plt.title("First Order Differenced")
plt.plot(ts_train, y_train, label="train")
plt.plot(ts_val, y_val, label="val")
plt.plot(ts_test, y_test, label="test")
plt.ylabel("DIFF_" + PARAMS["lab_name"])

plt.savefig(paths["fig"] + "/raw.png", dpi=600)


In [17]:
with tf.name_scope("DATA_IO"):
    X = tf.placeholder(
        [None, PARAMS["P"]],
    y = tf.placeholder(
        [None, PARAMS["num_outputs"]],
In [18]:
with tf.name_scope("DENSE"):
    W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [PARAMS["P"], PARAMS["neurons"][0]], name="W1"))
    b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, PARAMS["neurons"][0]], name="b1"))
    W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(
        [PARAMS["neurons"][0], PARAMS["neurons"][1]], name="W2"))
    b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, PARAMS["neurons"][1]], name="b2"))
    W3 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([PARAMS["neurons"][1], PARAMS["num_outputs"]]), name="W3")
    b3 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, PARAMS["num_outputs"]]), name="b3")
    a1 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1)
    a2 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(a1, W2) + b2)
    reg_outputs = tf.matmul(a2, W3) + b3
In [19]:
with tf.name_scope("METRICS"):
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.square(y - reg_outputs),
    tf.summary.scalar("MSE", loss)
In [20]:
with tf.name_scope("OPTIMIZER"):
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(
    train = optimizer.minimize(loss)


A Note on Early Stopping

We use early-stopping to prevent the neural network from over-fitting. Also, we don't have to choose the epochs hyper-parameter manually.

How it Works

We defined a counter indicator, and the model is evaluated on the validation set after every epoch.

If the performance, in terms of loss, is not improved significantly compared with the model in the previous epoch, counter is increased by 1.

The definition of improving with significance depends on values of $\epsilon$ in optional parameters. There are 2 cases when the improvement is considered as insignificant.

Let $\mathcal{E}$ denote the error metric.

  • Case 1: The situation is getting worse or there's no change at all. $$ \mathcal{E}_{t-1} - \mathcal{E}_t \leq 0 $$
  • Case 2: The error metric is reduced, but too minor. $$ 0 < \mathcal{E}_{t-1} - \mathcal{E}_t < \epsilon $$ Note that setting $\epsilon=0$ rules out the second case.

Otherwise, it reduced by 1. Note that counter is reset to $\max\{\texttt{counter}, 0\}$ after modification, so it will never be negative.

If the frequency of epochs in which significant improvement is not made becomes too high, we stop the training process.

Specifically, the training is stopped when $$ \texttt{counter} \geq \texttt{patient} $$

In [21]:
start = datetime.datetime.now()
counter = 0
val_mse = np.inf
if PARAMS["epochs"] is None:
    ep = int(100000)
    ep = EPOCHS
with tf.Session() as sess:
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    merged_summary = tf.summary.merge_all()
    train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(paths["tb"] + "/train")
    val_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(paths["tb"] + "/validation")
    for e in range(ep):
            feed_dict={X: X_train, y: y_train}
        # ==== Early-Stopping Code ====
        val_mse_last = val_mse
        train_mse = loss.eval(feed_dict={X: X_train, y: y_train})
        val_mse = loss.eval(feed_dict={X: X_val, y: y_val})
        if PARAMS["epochs"] is None:
            if (val_mse_last - val_mse) < PARAMS["epsilon"]:
                # if the improvement is less than epsilon.
                counter += 1
                counter -= 1
            counter = max(counter, 0)

            if counter >= PARAMS["patient"]:
                print(f"Break training at epoch={e}")
        # ======== End ========   
        # ==== Tensorboard Summary ====
        tsum = sess.run(
            feed_dict={X: X_train, y: y_train}
        vsum = sess.run(
            feed_dict={X: X_val, y: y_val}
        train_writer.add_summary(tsum, e)
        val_writer.add_summary(vsum, e)
        # ==== Report ====
        if e % 100 == 0:
            print(f"Epoch={e}: train_MSE={train_mse}, val_MSE={val_mse}, current_patient={counter}")
    # Summarize Training
    val_mse_final = loss.eval(feed_dict={X: X_val, y: y_val})
    test_mse_final = loss.eval(feed_dict={X: X_test, y: y_test})
    make_prediction = lambda data: sess.run(reg_outputs, feed_dict={X: data})
    pred_train = make_prediction(X_train)
    pred_val = make_prediction(X_val)
    pred_test = make_prediction(X_test)

print(f"Time taken: {datetime.datetime.now() - start}")
Epoch=0: train_MSE=488.0429992675781, val_MSE=529.341552734375, current_patient=0
Epoch=100: train_MSE=0.1763877421617508, val_MSE=0.09189654141664505, current_patient=0
Epoch=200: train_MSE=0.09865821152925491, val_MSE=0.05623064562678337, current_patient=0
Epoch=300: train_MSE=0.0695289894938469, val_MSE=0.04510786756873131, current_patient=0
Epoch=400: train_MSE=0.05278237909078598, val_MSE=0.03801390528678894, current_patient=0
Epoch=500: train_MSE=0.043197691440582275, val_MSE=0.034246545284986496, current_patient=0
Epoch=600: train_MSE=0.03786703944206238, val_MSE=0.032504159957170486, current_patient=0
Epoch=700: train_MSE=0.034726910293102264, val_MSE=0.03152842819690704, current_patient=0
Epoch=800: train_MSE=0.03260105475783348, val_MSE=0.030850373208522797, current_patient=0
Epoch=900: train_MSE=0.03098805621266365, val_MSE=0.030306516215205193, current_patient=0
Epoch=1000: train_MSE=0.029653748497366905, val_MSE=0.02983817830681801, current_patient=0
Epoch=1100: train_MSE=0.02848891168832779, val_MSE=0.029431408271193504, current_patient=0
Epoch=1200: train_MSE=0.027439337223768234, val_MSE=0.02907927706837654, current_patient=0
Epoch=1300: train_MSE=0.026475876569747925, val_MSE=0.028779100626707077, current_patient=0
Epoch=1400: train_MSE=0.025579577311873436, val_MSE=0.028529342263936996, current_patient=0
Epoch=1500: train_MSE=0.024736648425459862, val_MSE=0.028335828334093094, current_patient=0
Epoch=1600: train_MSE=0.023940352723002434, val_MSE=0.028180241584777832, current_patient=0
Epoch=1700: train_MSE=0.02315746247768402, val_MSE=0.02807425521314144, current_patient=0
Epoch=1800: train_MSE=0.02238970249891281, val_MSE=0.028024503961205482, current_patient=0
Epoch=1900: train_MSE=0.021664313971996307, val_MSE=0.028015514835715294, current_patient=12
Break training at epoch=1938
Time taken: 0:00:08.958630
In [22]:
dfp_train = pd.DataFrame(data=pred_train, index=ts_train, columns=[PARAMS["lab_name"]])
dfp_val = pd.DataFrame(data=pred_val, index=ts_val, columns=[PARAMS["lab_name"]])
dfp_test = pd.DataFrame(data=pred_test, index=ts_test, columns=[PARAMS["lab_name"]])
In [23]:
pred_diff = pd.concat([dfp_train, dfp_val, dfp_test])
pred_diff.columns = [PARAMS["lab_name"]]
pred_raw = df_methods.inv_diff(diff=pred_diff, src=df)
In [24]:
pred_raw_train = df_methods.inv_diff(diff=dfp_train, src=df)

pred_raw_val = df_methods.inv_diff(diff=dfp_val, src=df)

pred_raw_test = df_methods.inv_diff(diff=dfp_test, src=df)
In [25]:
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (32, 16)
# ==== Raw ====
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title("Ground truth versus Prediction on Raw Series")
plt.plot(df, label="Observed", alpha=.6)
plt.plot(pred_raw_train, label="Training Prediction", alpha=.6)
plt.plot(pred_raw_val, label="Validation Prediction", alpha=.6)
plt.plot(pred_raw_test, label="Testing Prediction", alpha=.6)

# val_mse_raw = np.mean((pred_raw_val.values - df[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_val]) ** 2)
# test_mse_raw = np.mean((pred_raw_test - df[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_test]) ** 2)

# textstr = f"Validation Set MSE = {val_mse_raw}\nTesting Set MSE = {test_mse_raw}"
# props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.3)
# ax1.text(0.05, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=14,
#         verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)

# plt.axvline(x=diff.index[len(X_train)+1], color="grey", alpha=.4, label="train-val boundary")
# plt.axvline(x=diff.index[-len(X_test)+1], color="grey", alpha=.4, label="val-test boundary")


# ==== First order differenced ====
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (32, 16)
plt.title("Ground truth versus Prediction on First Order Differenced")
plt.plot(diff, label="Observed(Ground Truth)", color="grey", alpha=.7)
plt.plot(dfp_train, label="Train", alpha=.7)
plt.plot(dfp_val, label="Validation", alpha=.7)
plt.plot(dfp_test, label="Test", alpha=.7)

ax2.set_ylabel("Change in " + PARAMS["lab_name"])

textstr = f"Validation Set MSE = {val_mse_final}\nTesting Set MSE = {test_mse_final}"
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.3)
ax2.text(0.05, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14,
        verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)

plt.savefig(paths["fig"] + "/pred_all.png", dpi=600)
In [26]:
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (32, 16)
# ==== Raw ====
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.title("Ground truth versus Prediction on Raw Series, on Validation and Testing Sets only.")

plt.plot(df[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_val], label="Validation Observed", alpha=.6)
plt.plot(df[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_test], label="Testing Observed", alpha=.6)

plt.plot(pred_raw[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_val], label="Validation Prediction", alpha=.6)
plt.plot(pred_raw[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_test], label="Testing Prediction", alpha=.6)

# plt.axvline(x=diff.index[len(X_train)+1], color="grey", alpha=.4, label="train-val boundary")


# ==== First order differenced ====
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (32, 16)
plt.title("Ground truth versus Prediction on First Order Differenced, on Validation and Testing Sets only.")

plt.plot(diff[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_val], label="Validation Observed", alpha=.6)
plt.plot(diff[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_test], label="Testing Observed", alpha=.6)

plt.plot(dfp_val[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_val], label="Validation Prediction", alpha=.7)
plt.plot(dfp_test[PARAMS["lab_name"]][ts_test], label="Testing Prediction", alpha=.7)

ax2.set_ylabel("Change in " + PARAMS["lab_name"])

textstr = f"Validation Set MSE = {val_mse_final}\nTesting Set MSE = {test_mse_final}"

props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
ax2.text(0.05, 0.95, textstr, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=14,
        verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)

plt.savefig(paths["fig"] + "/pred_off_sample.png", dpi=600)


In [27]:
# Save predictions
dfp_train.to_csv(paths["outputs"] + "/pred_train.csv")
dfp_val.to_csv(paths["outputs"] + "/pred_val.csv")
dfp_test.to_csv(paths["outputs"] + "/pred_test.csv")

pred_raw.to_csv(paths["outputs"] + "/pred_raw.csv")

json_rec.write_param(PARAMS, log_dir=paths["base"] + "/params.json")